Five good reasons to watch Kit Harington’s new drama Gunpowder tonight...

Saturday sees the premier of Kit Harington’s latest drama, Gunpowder. The three part drama series is, as the name alludes, telling the story of the Gunpowder Plot...

Stranger Things’ Finn Wolfhard fires agent over past sexual abuse claims...

Tyler Grasham is currently on leave pending an internal investigation. Stranger Things actor Finn Wolfhard, who plays Mike Wheeler in the show, has parted ways with agent Tyler...

Marilyn Manson’s longtime bassist Twiggy Ramirez accused of rape (Report)

Jessicka Addams of Jack Off Jill has spoken out against Ramirez. Twiggy Ramirez, longtime bassist for Marilyn Manson, has been accused of rape and psychological abuse from his...