Gove portrait ‘visible from space’ drawn on beach (Photo)

Gove portrait 'visible from space' drawn on beach (Photo)
Gove portrait 'visible from space' drawn on beach (Photo)

A GIANT portrait of Michael Gove accompanied by a quote dismissing the idea of the UK leaving the EU without a deal has appeared on a beach.

The portrait, which is reportedly so big it can be seen from space, appeared on a beach in Redcar, North Yorkshire and measures a whopping 7,500 metres square.

It features a quote from Gove, taken from a Daily Mail article published back in March, where the Cabinet minister insisted the UK “didn’t vote to leave without a deal” in the 2016 EU referendum.

Since then Gove has come out in support of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament, in a move that not only increases the likelihood of a No Deal Brexit but could also have far reaching consequences for the Island of Ireland.

The portrait is the work of Brexit protest group Led By Donkeys, who took to Twitter to present Gove with their work.

Led By Donkeys wrote on Twitter: “Hey Vote Leave leader @MichaelGove, remember in March you admitted there’s no mandate for No Deal cos nobody voted for it in the 2016 referendum?

“We thought we’d remind the country via a 7500sq/m sand installation on Redcar beach that can be seen from space. You’re welcome.”

Redcar was chosen, in part, because the protest group believes the region will be among those hit hardest by a no-deal Brexit.

But the campaign is about so much more than that.

“To be honest, this is about holding politicians to account for their words,” Led By Donkey’s Will Rose told the Press Association.

“We have a huge quote from Michael Gove which, when you look at his support for the Prime Minister’s no-deal planning, shows his hypocrisy.

“We’ve now got Government ministers who have spoken out unequivocally in the past against the prorogation of Parliament, enthusiastically going along with the plan. They’re putting their careers ahead of their principles and that’s what we want to show the public.

“I think Boris Johnson’s plans have massively over-reached. The Leave campaign started off by arguing to bring greater powers back to Westminster, but his latest move takes it away.”


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