The power of keeping on the sunny side of life

The power of keeping on the sunny side of life
The power of keeping on the sunny side of life

It’s all in your mind. People think things will make them happy, more money, more clothes, more jewelry, more cars but it’s only 10-percent of the equation. Research is showing us now that the power of positive thinking definitely has bearing on your physical well-being.

Your state of mind is everything

Self-pity and blaming others, self-doubt, feeling defeated, in a negative state of mind everything you come across is a problem instead of an opportunity. When you are bummed out, life is a drag and no fun, and it sucks the power right out of you. When you are dwelling in the negative you repel things and push them away from you.

You are ripe for miracles

Your positive character draws things to you. Science research shows that you can control 40-percent of your happiness by keeping a gratitude journal. You are what you think about all day long. Change happens, that is why having stuff and things is fleeting and only 10-percent of your happiness. Once you acquire the things you wish for then you go back to the same attitude again, always striving for reaching and grasping. Jobs, good fortune and people will come and go from your life. Go to your journal and write down three good things that happened to you each day. People who were severely depressed did this experiment, and by the fifteenth day their attitude changed to moderately depressed, then to mildly depressed.

Developing the sunny side of life

The difference in people who are always sunny and positive are different from those whose state of mind is in the negative balance had the habit of certain ‘sunny’ characteristics in their life every day. They expressed gratitude, they were always willing to lend a hand, hand out compliments to others, carried an open heart and mind, savored life’s pleasures, exercised regularly, and had lifelong goals they were committed to, and showed courage and strength in the face of life’s inevitable challenges.

Alignment with your truth generates power

Fibs and white lies are not your truth, stress and tensions, guilt and anger require the daily practice of emptying yourself out. Absolute silence. Think as little as possible. Go where there is no sound. Once you have acquired sitting in silence and calming the thoughts or at least slowing them down, then practice listening, it’s a healing medicine.

Anyone can keep going when the going is good, it’s when things get difficult that you prove your worth. Keeping the sunny side of life and the power it brings in your mind at all times will help you to realize the ‘rough’ is only in your mind.


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