A toxin from Salmonid fish may help treat cancer

A toxin from Salmonid fish may help treat cancer
A toxin from Salmonid fish may help treat cancer

Remedies in nature that can potentially help beat cancer are constantly being investigated. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg reported, a toxin from Salmonid fish has the potential for cancer treatment. Scientists from the University of Freiburg believe this fish toxin may be used in the future as a medication for the treatment of cancer.

The Yersinia species of pathogens has the potential to cause bubonic plague and serious gastrointestinal infections in people. Dr. Thomas Jank, who is a pharmacologist, and his fellow researchers at the University of Freiburg have studied a pathogen of the Yersinia family known as Yersinia ruckeri. This pathogen is the cause of redmouth disease in Salmonidae, which includes salmon and trout.

The researchers believe that this fish toxin has tremendous therapeutic potential for cancer treatment. This research has been published in the journal Nature Communications. Pathogenic bacteria can develop killer machines which can work very specifically and efficiently. This toxin may therefore prove to be very helpful in the treatment of cancer.

WebMD reports that cancer is also called malignancy and is an abnormal growth of cells. There are greater than 100 types of cancer which include skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. Treatment for cancer may consist of chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery. As reported by the American Cancer Society greater than one million people in the United States get cancer every year. A potentially potent new treatment for this cancer in the form of Salmonid fish toxin is therefore an important finding.


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