Ready to try purple bread? The new wannabe superfood
Loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants that can help prevent cardiovascular and neurological diseases, purple bread is trying to rally as the first superfood of the baked goods world. It’s...
HIV-to-HIV transplants provide new hope for treatment
Shannon Firth of MedPage Today announced in an article that there is a new source of transplant organs for HIV patients that are being made available. "HIV-to-HIV Organ...
Barbie mom spent half a million to look like famous doll
House wives of Cincinnati. Trend, looking like a doll is taking over the minds and bodies of adult-like people. A Cincinnati, Ohio woman Nannette Hammond 42 and mom...
The family is vital for heart health during a lifetime
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of premature death worldwide. Rates of cardiovascular disease have continued to increase primarily due to behavior which is modifiable. The family can...
Exome sequencing improves diagnosis of neurogenetic disorders
Neurogenetic disorders include spinocerebellar ataxia, leukodsystrophy, spastic paraplegia, and many other conditions that impact the health of children and adults. These diseases have been difficult to diagnose, but...
Top 3 causes of death in the United States, what you...
The toxic scale. The traditional health care system and the way people eat and take care of themselves are the leading causes of the conditions that lead to...
Anti-aging face lift using LED microcurrent to zap and sculpt non-invasively
Face Lift Trends. It tightens, tones, improves pigmentation and vibrancy, lifts and reduces lines and wrinkles, in the face and neck. The non-invasive face lift procedure is done...
New research shingles vaccination unnecessary, Vitamin C kills pain and disease
Shingles is an infection from the varicella zoster (herpes zoster) virus showing up in places on the body supplied by spinal nerves. The infection results in blistering skin...
New cure for male pattern baldness may be pulling hairs
Chih-Chiang Chen from National Yang-Ming University and Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan working at the University of Southern California and Arthur D. Lander from the University of California...
Is technology helping or hurting your relationship?
The new ménage à trois is you, him/her, and technology! A third party has infiltrated your relationship and isn’t ever going to leave. According to Pew Research Center,...
Picking out the right healthy bread at the grocery
Bread labels are so confusing. Good bread will be eaten, it won’t go bad, but it’s difficult to find the right ingredients for the right mix of health....
The power of keeping on the sunny side of life
It’s all in your mind. People think things will make them happy, more money, more clothes, more jewelry, more cars but it’s only 10-percent of the equation. Research...