Healthy steps through exercise and nutrition to prevent the cold and flu

Healthy steps through exercise and nutrition to prevent the cold and flu
Healthy steps through exercise and nutrition to prevent the cold and flu

Here we are again in the cold and flu season, which is affecting many health populations, especially newborns and seniors. There is up to 20% of the United States population that is affected by the cold and flu virus, with 2,000 that need to be hospitalized and 3,000 to 49,000 that die each year from the cold and flu virus. Many people might think that getting the flu shot each year is a safety net, but they may not understand that the flu shots only cover only a few strains of the flu virus, which is still putting you into a high risk of catching a flu bug that keeps you at home from work for a number of days.

Do you notice the people in a public place that are constantly wiping their nose with a tissue or coughing in their hand or perhaps not washing their hands after using the bathroom? Did you know that those germs get on every door handle, knob and cart the you handle throughout your shopping experience? Yes, many stores are giving hand wipes for one to use which is a huge plus in preventing the cold and flu viruses, but there are more things we can do alone in preventing this as well.

Getting healthy through physical activity and eating healthy is all we need to do to boost the immune system. It has been proven plain and simple that physical activity each day of at least 30-60 minutes of cardiovascular activity and simple strength training will help supply healthy blood throughout the body and boost the immune system along with very healthy nutrition. Yes, healthy nutrition is where it is at. We should be taking in at least 5-6 cups of fruits and vegetables each day; however, we should actually be doubling to tripling that with 10-15 cups of fruits and vegetables each day. These antioxidants will not only help prevent illness from the cold and flu virus but also help prevent many other diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular disease and with significant weight loss, lower type II Diabetes. With a good structured exercise and nutritional program and a great immune system boosting supplement such as Emergen-C, which is filled full of antioxidants will help you boost that immune system, you can prevent the cold and flu virus strains that are prevalent today.


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