The alternative titles originally considered for ‘Blade Runner 2049’ have been revealed (Report)



Several alternative titles that were originally considered for the sequel to Blade Runner have been revealed, and they’re very much in keeping with the ethereal and otherworldly spirit of the original.

Despite eventually settling on ‘Blade Runner: 2049’ as the title for the acclaimed follow up to the iconic 1982 film, the production team reportedly toyed with the possibility of using several other names that seem increasingly bizarre.

According to producer Andrew Kosove, one strong contender came in for the form of Blade Runner: Androids Dream, which is a direct nod to Why Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K Dick’s source material for the original film.

I ultimately felt that simpler was better,” Kosove told MonstersAndCritics.

“The fact that the original movie and the original first frame of the film is Los Angeles 2019, and since our story takes place 30 years hence, we thought it was very simple and clean just to call it Blade Runner 2049 as opposed to a lot of these other titles being kicked around. By the way, I actually really like that title but with the benefit of hindsight, I’m very happy we ended up with the title we did because I think it’s a little leading.”

Other possibilities came in the form of Acid Zoo and Queensboro, too.

“When Hampton wrote his treatment and draft, he titled it Acid Zoo, which is a terrific title,” screenwriter Michael Green said.

“For a while that was their working title. He doesn’t know this, when I started working on it, the working title was ‘Queensboro’ because I always considered myself a New Yorker. I lived in Manhattan and I was on my way there. I know Hampton lives in Brooklyn and I was on my way, had my laptop on my lap in a cab and I’m like ‘all right, it’s the bridge between the two’. So for a long time, the working title was Queensboro.”

It remains to be seen if the…




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