Stranger Things Season 1 – the essential recap ahead of this weekend’s binge (Report)



Season 2 of Stranger Things is finally here; but before you don’t move from your sofa for an entire day, you’ll need to recap on the action of Stranger Things season one.

For those who don’t have time to re-watch the entire series, here’s an extremely helpful (yet extremely concise…ish) recap.

The beginning and Will’s disappearance

The opening sees a scientist in a laboratory in the town of Hawkins being attacked by an unseen creature.

After a game of Dungeons and Dragons with his pals (Mike, Dustin and Lucas), 12-year-old Will Byers bikes home, encounters the creature and vanishes. This sets up the initial mystery of the show – what happened to Will Byers.

Finding Eleven

The day after Will Byers disappears, Eleven appears: a young, vulnerable girl with a shaven head who doesn’t speak much. Breaking into a diner in her hospital gown, she steals food. The owner, Benny, takes pity and feeds her and tries to start a conversation, learning that her name is Eleven from the tattoo on her arm. Benny is later killed by a woman who comes to the diner pretending to be a social worker; but as armed men search the diner, Eleven escapes.

Meanwhile, Will Byer’s mother Joyce searches for her missing son – believing that he’d phoned her, starting Joyce’s ongoing communication with her son through various household electronics.

Mike, Dustin and Lucas sneak out to search for Will, but instead, they find Eleven, and they bring her to Mike’s house where she hides in the basement. Unwilling to talk to them, Eleven does reveal that “bad people” are searching for her. Initial skittish and mistrusting – when Mike wants to tell his parents about Eleven she uses telekinesis to shut a door so he can’t – revealing her powers.

Stranger Things' Barb

The disappearance of Barb

Teenagers Nancy (Mike’s angsty older sister) and Barb head to a party at her boyfriend Steve’s house. Barb,…




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