Message to liberal feminists: Don't dictate political views to me just because we share the same body parts (Report)



The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1920, giving women the right to vote. But ironically, nearly 100 years later we’re still not fully free to exercise that right as we see fit, according to today’s feminists.

Now, instead of having men or the government controlling our behavior, other women are attempting to control our thoughts and tell us what we must do. According to modern day feminists, we are obligated to fall in lock step with them simply because we share the same body parts. 

Isn’t the entire point of feminism for women to empower each other to be whoever we want to be, and do anything we want to do?

It turns out we didn’t read the fine print that says: except if you’re conservative, then you need to shut up because someone is obviously doing the thinking for you. Someone old and white and male. Because no legitimate, card-carrying female with our body parts would ever dare have a thought different from ours.




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