Indian woman, 73 gives birth to twin girls, Report

Indian woman, 73 gives birth to twin girls, Report
Indian woman, 73 gives birth to twin girls, Report

An Indian woman who says she is 73 years of age has given birth to twin girls, doctors say. If the claim is true, she would be the oldest mother in the world.

The woman gave birth to her babies via C-section on Thursday – ending nine long months of bed rest for mom.

And while she is a spry 73, her husband is 80! The couple said that they had always wanted children, but it just never happened for them.

So their doctor agreed to in vitro fertilization and amazingly – it was a success on the first try.

The new family may be setting records. The mother may be the oldest woman to ever give birth – but that has yet to be confirmed.


  1. Congratulations !
    God blesses mysteriously.
    God will provide everything mysteriously.
    The Birth of these two girls are blessingso for everyone, specifically for the medical science.
    Congratulations to Mom, Dad, the Girls, and Andhra Pradesh


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