Here’s what pitching to NME is really like (Report)



In partnership with University of Salford

Earlier this month, a group of young creatives visited NME for a #Lifehacks graphic design masterclass in partnership with University of Salford and Create Jobs. After meeting key members of the NME team, the students were introduced to creative director Simon Freeborough, who gave them an overview of NME’s history and house style before setting a brief: design a flyer that could be featured in an issue of NME. The young creatives also received an insight into the industry from Maya Wild, a graphic designer whose work has been published in magazines in the UK, US and Japan.

The young creatives returned to NME a week later to pitch their design ideas to the editorial team – check out what happened below!

As part of our #LifeHacks initiative, NME and the University of Salford are also creating a year-long programme of events. The aim is to help inspire young creatives on how to get ahead in the world of work.

The first event will feature a full afternoon of panels, talks and activities designed to help you kick-start your career in the creative industries. It takes place in London on November 23.

One the day, you’ll also be able to connect with the NME team and our partners at the dedicated Hack-Space. Plus, there will be free food and drink, and the event will culminate in an exclusive secret evening gig. At last year’s #Lifehacks launch event, Tinie Tempah wowed the crowds.

You can buy tickets to our first #LifeHacks event (including exclusive secret gig) with University of Salford here.




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