Greta lookalike appears in Yukon gold rush photo, Report

Greta lookalike appears in Yukon gold rush photo, Report
Greta lookalike appears in Yukon gold rush photo, Report

A Greta Thunberg lookalike in a 121-year-old photo has sparked a new conspiracy theory about the environmentalist being a time traveler.

Conspiracy theorists are out in force, convinced a 120-year-old photo listed in the archives of the University of Washington’s library proves the teen climate activist is a time traveller.

A black-and-white photograph of three children working a gold mine in northwest Canada in 1898 is rapidly making the rounds online.

One of the children bears a striking resemblance to the Swedish teen, convincing enough for people to run with the idea that it is in fact her.

Though it’s mostly in jest, some say she’s travelling through time to stop climate change.

“Maybe she is from the future who (sic) was sent back in time to key moments in history to stop climate change,” suggested Twitter user Kelly Edwards.


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