Fat grizzly killed for preying on calves to be displayed (Report)



A grizzly bear killed for preying on cattle in Montana will be stuffed and put on display.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks plans to donate the young male grizzly to Benefis Health System, which operates a hospital and other medical facilities in Great Falls.

Montana grizzly bear management specialist Mike Madel says the grizzly was one of the fattest he’d handled. The Great Falls Tribune reports bears in the area south of Glacier National Park where the bear was caught are fat from eating a bumper crop of wild berries this year.

Madel says Fish, Wildlife and Parks can’t sell bear parts but will donate mounts if they’re used for educational purposes.

The bear weighed 540 pounds and was linked to the deaths of 13 calves.


Information from: Great Falls Tribune, http://www.greatfallstribune.com




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