Coronavirus UK Updates: London Hospitals starting to feel the pressure

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Coronavirus Updates: South Korea faces third COVID-19 wave; officials warn of stricter measures

The number of coronavirus patients admitted to London hospitals jumped by almost 10 per cent earlier this week according to the Independent.

Leaked NHS assessments of the situation show some of London’s hospitals already have more than 10 per cent of their beds occupied with coronavirus patients.

Earlier this week the numbers being admitted jumped 8 per cent in a 24 hour period sparking fears among NHS managers that the capital could start to see rapid increases in the coming days.

– Will there be any financial support for businesses if London enters Tier 3?

The Government has provided support packages for areas which have entered Tier 3 so far.

The packages of support consist of funding for track and trace, and support for businesses.

In Manchester £22m was given to local authorities to help implement restrictions, including track and trace restrictions. That works out at approximately £8 per capita.

The city will also receive £60m for business support and to help low paid workers.


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