What to wish before new year to turn your life upside down?

What to wish before new year to turn your life upside down?
What to wish before new year to turn your life upside down?

Nearly everybody makes New Year’s resolutions, but hardly anybody keeps them. Maybe because there is something inherently negative about resolutions. They always seem to be about denial pleasure, and taking things away from oneself. It almost seems punitive. That’s hardly a positive way to start a new year. So, why not replace the concept of resolutions with wishes. Wishes are positive. They are all about the things we wish to have for ourselves and what we wish to do and be for others. Wishing encourages us to be better, to seek better, and to change for the better by doing new, positive things. If you are ready to create a better life in 2016, why apply some of these wishes to your life, or come up with some of your own!

1. To Engage in a Random Act of Kindness Each Day

What better way to boost your own self esteem from the inside and make somebody’s day brighter than to perform a random act of kindness each day. The possibilities are limitless. You can pay for the person’s order behind you in the drive through line, leave a thank you card for your trash haulers, or send an anonymous thank you card to an old teacher. If you tend to think negatively, this guarantees one positive thing that you can remember about each day. When you think more positively your relationships with others improve, and you are more likely to be viewed as a positive contributor in the workplace.

2. To Feed Yourself Three Healthy Food Items Each Day

You deserve to have a healthy mind and body. In order to get this, you need to put healthy things into your body. Start making those changes in a positive, easy to achieve way that will create the kind of success that you can build upon. Even if you are extremely busy, it is easy to eat three healthy things each day. For example, you could eat a piece of fruit in the morning, snack on some almonds in the afternoon, and pick up a garden salad on the way home for dinner. When you begin to incorporate healthy eating habits into your life, you will maintain a healthier weight, have more energy, and suffer fewer health problems. If you have kids, your new habits will be a good example for them.

3. To Visit a Museum Concert Hall or Theater Every Month

People who are exposed to art and music are emotionally healthier and better educated than those who are not. And it’s not so hard to develop such habit. If that’s not reason enough, you should expose yourself to these things for the sheer beauty and enjoyment of them. When you patronize the arts, you create a better community for yourself and others. This is because communities with art and music offerings that receive public support are better places to live. In fact, communities with theaters, art museums, etc. also tend to have high employment rates and good schools.

4. To Volunteer at a Food Pantry Each Month

Most people want to volunteer to help others out, but putting yourself out there can be intimidating. There is probably no better local volunteer opportunity for new volunteers than working at a food pantry. You’ll meet great people in your community who help others, and in many cases you’ll have the opportunity to get to know the people who are receiving help as well. In fact, in many cases, food pantry volunteers are also food pantry clients. Your life will be enriched through having friends that are service oriented and caring.

5. To Enjoy Being Outdoors at Least Twice Per Week

Unless the weather is dangerously extreme, getting outside is so good for your physical and mental health. Forget about punishing outdoor workouts in the heat or freezing cold. Start down a healthy path by simply enjoying some time outdoors. Your physical health and general mood will improve significantly. You may find that you become sick less often, the more outdoor exposure that you have.

6. To Play an Active Indoor or Outdoor Game With Your Children or Friends Each Week

Speaking of getting outdoors, if you take on wish number 5 as one of your own, why not grab your kids, if you have them, or some friends for a pick-up game of kickball, or massive snowball fight! The companionship will make it easier to continue on with your new healthy activity. Your life will improve through increased physical fitness and stronger bonds with friends and family.

7. To Indulge in a Hobby Once a Week For Nothing More Than Your Own Pleasure

All too often, at the beginning of a new year, we focus on things that we are going to stop doing, or things that we are going to do for others. Why not create a wish just for yourself. Did you know that people who indulge their own hobbies and interests are generally happier than those who do not? Stick with this wish, and you will find that your stress levels drop and that you get along with others better than you have in the past.

8. To Save up For And Purchase a Dream Item or Experience

Do you want to become a better steward of your money? If you do, you might want to consider making this wish for yourself next year. You’ll give yourself good reason to save money, and something really great to look forward to.

9. To Say Something Encouraging to a Co-Worker Each Day

It has become a cultural meme to depict the work place as a den of back biting, gossip, incompetence, and negativity. Unfortunately, the meme exists, because for many workers it is reality. All too often people participate in the negativity because they don’t know how to fight against it. Here’s some great news! You don’t have to participate it, and you don’t have to fight against it. You can forge your own path of positivity. Your boss and coworkers will enjoy working with you, and you could see improvements on your performance reviews.

10. To go to Sleep Each Night in a Bedroom That is Calm Relaxing and Comfortable

I’m going to be a better housekeeper! I am going to purge and get organized! These are wonderful goals, but why not start with a wish to keep your bedroom clean, organized, and comfortable so that it is a place of relaxation? Better sleep can lead to better performance on the job and more energy to spend time with loved ones.

11. To Get in And Stay in Touch With an Old Friend or Relative

If you have ever received an email or a message from a beloved person for your past, you know what a boost that can be. Why not be the person who gives that gift to somebody else. The person you reach out to will certainly love to hear from you, and you will be blessed with another person in your circle of friends and loved ones.

12. To Start a Jar of Blessings

Gratitude is such an amazing virtue, and creating a jar of blessings is such an easy way to remember the daily things that bless us. All you need to do is write down the nice things that happen to you throughout the year (happy memories, unexpected kindnesses, neat experiences, etc.), and stick them in a jar. You can take them out at the end of the year and go over your blessings. As you learn to appreciate even small things, you will find that you are less likely to get upset by small disappointments.


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