Walgreens Covid Vaccine Registration: What should I bring to my vaccination appointment?

Walgreens Covid Vaccine Registration: What should I bring to my vaccination appointment?
Walgreens Covid Vaccine Registration: What should I bring to my vaccination appointment?
  • Everyone age 12 and older. The state will continue to prioritize the 65-plus population until all in that group who want to get the vaccine have done so. If you are 65 or over and still waiting on an appointment, call the state vaccine information line at 833-734-0965.

Where can I get vaccinated? 

  • Government-run local health departments, community centers, churches and mass vaccination sites are offering vaccines in all 55 counties. Locations, schedules and registration information are updated weekly — go the state vaccine website and click on the “Vaccine Clinic Information” button for the current schedule. Book an appointment through the state’s pre-registration system.
  • Pharmacies: Shots are being administered at select FruthWalgreensWalmart and CVS, some of which are offering walk-in vaccinations. Follow the links to book an appointment or search www.vaccines.gov, the federal government’s vaccine website. Use the same tool by texting your zip code to 438829 to find vaccine locations.
  • Check the state’s vaccine website or call its COVID-19 vaccine hotline at 833-734-0965 for more information.

What should I bring to my vaccination appointment?

Some vaccination sites ask for proof of identity or eligibility. Officials recommend that you bring a driver’s license or other state-issued ID that shows your name, age and state residency information, and your health insurance card, if you have one. You will not be charged, but the vaccine provider may bill your insurer a fee for administering the vaccine.

If you are prioritized because of an underlying medical condition or based on your work, you may need a note from your doctor, a pay stub or badge, or some other form of proof. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says to wear a mask at your appointment.


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