“The Female Hormone Solution”: The secret to women’s health

"The Female Hormone Solution": The secret to women's health
"The Female Hormone Solution": The secret to women's health

The female body is a complex and dynamic machine that works divinely well…when it gets the right signals. Those signals are hormones, the message carriers of the brain and hypothalamus, and when they don’t send the right signals to your body, your hair and nails can become brittle, your sleep disturbed, your weight and emotions fluctuate, and you can even die. Essentially, hormones rule your health, and woman tend to suffer the most from hormone imbalances.

The folks at the Raw Health Movement know the importance of having balanced hormones, and have put together a free online seminar, “The Female Hormone Solution,” to offer women a chance to decode their health issues from the comfort of their own home. This seminar consists of over 30 health experts from the United States and abroad, speaking on the many hormone-related health disorders that plague millions of women, and how to correct them. “The Female Hormone Solution” speaker lineup includes:

  • “Traditional Nutrition for Hormonal Health” – Sally Fallon
  • “Sugar, Hormones & Thyroid Function” – Sarah Wilson
  • “Women’s Cosmetics and Endocrine Disruption” – Emma Lane
  • “The 5 Hidden Energy Robbers Stealing Your Spark!” – Dr. Jen Landa
  • “The Fungus Link to Female Hormones” – Doug Kaufman
  • “The Exercise/Hormone Connection” – Donal Carr
  • “Dying to be Beautiful is so Last Season!” – Ximena Gonzalez
  • “High Performance Nutrition” – Jo Rushton
  • “A SANE Approach to Female Hormones” – Jonathan Bailor
  • “Mental Emotional Stress” – Louise Thompson
  • “Hormonal Imbalances, Reproductive Disorders & Dietary Triggers: the Perfect Storm” – Dr. Tom O’Bryan
  • “Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Stress Syndrome” – Dr. James Wilson
  • “Seductive Female Hormone Destroyers” – J.P. Sears
  • “Natural Earth Healing for the Female Hormone System” – Liana Werner-Grey
  • “Food is Connection” – Dr. Deanna Minich
  • “A Paleo Approach to Food for Hormones” – Chef Pete Evans
  • “An Olympian’s Approach to Overcoming Hormone Disorders” – Stephanie Rice
  • “How to Survive in a Concrete Jungle” – Troy Casey
  • “Restoring Female Hormonal Balance” – Dr. Dan Kalish
  • “Rushing Woman’s Syndrome: the Biochemistry, Nutrition & Emotions Facing Modern Women” – Dr. Libby Weaver
  • “Digestion, Adrenaline & Hormonal Function” – Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
  • “Respiratory Health” – Dan Hellman
  • “The Divine Female: Soft Like Water, Grounded Like a Tree” – Vidya McNeil
  • “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Pushing, Crashing & Overtraining” – Toby Morrison
  • “Naughty Nutrition” – Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel
  • “The Organic Revolution: The Problem & the Solutions” – Lynnette Marie
  • “Shamanic Healing for Female Hormones” – Angie Lustrick
  • “The 1-2-3-4 to Healing Female Hormone Disorders” – Dr. Paul Chek

The topics address the physical, emotional, chemical, and psychological triggers that throw women’s hormones out of balance, and offer solid treatment suggestions for the average woman to work her way back to better health and wellbeing. Sally Fallon (of the Weston A. Price Foundation), Dr. Paul Chek, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, and Dr. Dan Kalish are all well-known, published authors and “heavy-hitters” in the wellness world, so it’s worth tuning into see what they have to say.


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