Symptoms of ADHD may be decreased by exercise before school

Symptoms of ADHD may be decreased by exercise before school
Symptoms of ADHD may be decreased by exercise before school

There is an interest in natural remedies for ADHD due to concerns about the potential for side effects from the use of drugs to treat symptoms of ADHD in kids.

New research has shown that offering daily aerobic activities prior to school for younger at risk kids could help in decreasing the symptoms of ADHD in the classroom and at home. Although there are no actual biological markers for the diagnosis of ADHD, as with the other psychiatric diagnoses, nevertheless the symptoms of ADHD can cause problems. Inattentiveness, moodiness and difficulty getting along with others are the classic signs of ADHD. Research studies have suggested that physical activity can have a positive effect on kids who suffer from symptoms of ADHD.

In past MSU research it was observed that there was improved brain function and better math and reading skills in elementary students who had exposure to physical activity. It has not been as widely known how physical activity would effect kids with symptoms of ADHD. The results of this study show that physical activity appears to offer promise as an intervention method for ADHD. There are also well known benefits for overall health from exercise.

This study has been published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. The primary goal of the study was to make a comparison of the effects of before school physical activity and sedentary classroom-based interventions on the symptoms, behavior, moodiness, and peer functioning of young kids who are at risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The findings support the premise that physical activity intervention may decrease impairment which is associated with ADHD risk at both home and school. This is a significant finding in view of the overall health benefits of exercise for kids.


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