Study: Coconut oil as a possible cure for Alzheimer’s disease

Study: Coconut oil as a possible cure for Alzheimer's disease
Study: Coconut oil as a possible cure for Alzheimer's disease

In 2012, the story of Steve Newport spread like wildfire. Newport had moderate symptoms of Alzheimer’s which were reversed after he began taking coconut oil, and his progress was intricately documented by his neonatologist wife, Dr Mary Newport.

Dr Newport initially began adding just two tablespoons of coconut oil to her husband’s daily oatmeal, gradually increasing the dose to 8 tablespoons over the course of a day, every day. The slow increase is due to coconut oil possibly causing gastrointestinal side effects, such as bloating and diarrhea, so it is advised to start with smaller amounts.

Newport’s testimonial, along with those from Alzheimer’s care communities, has drawn doctors’ and Alzheimer’s specialists’ attention, and in the summer of 2013, an FDA-approved, 2-year-long study began at the Byrd Institute to see just how effective coconut oil may prove to be on the 60 participants, all of which have mild to moderate forms of the disease.

The study’s coordinator, Jill Smith MA, states that the effect of coconut oil on the human brain is “like an old car engine getting a temporary revamp”, meaning that while coconut oil may not actually actually cure Alzheimer’s, it may slow down the progress and lessen the symptoms of the disease for a while, furthermore allowing the patient some quality of life.

The study will also look at how effective coconut oil is on the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain, which play a significant part in the onset of memory loss.

The beneficial ketone esters found in coconut oil, produced incredible results in a mouse that had Alzheimer’s disease back in 2012.

Coconut oil can be taken in supplement form, but with so many health benefits it might be worth learning how to incorporate it into your everyday lifestyle, and diet.

The recommended daily dose of coconut oil varies from one healthcare specialist to the next, but generally there is little chance of overdosing, although the general opinion would suggest taking around 4 tablespoons per day for therapeutic benefits, or between 1,000 and 2,000 mg in supplement/capsule form.


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