Normal everyday movements burn this many calories

Normal everyday movements burn this many calories
Normal everyday movements burn this many calories

An exercise routine for many just isn’t in the stars. The reasons could be because of a disability, medical issues or a tight schedule that is exhausting on its own. So how do you burn calories to stay fit, healthy and still maintain a somewhat active lifestyle?

Everyone moves their bodies on a daily basis. Those movements are simple, basic activities that do help your activity level and can burn calories. Who would have thought things you do daily could be an easy work out plan?

The more you move the better off you’ll be down the road. Some ways to add more steps in you day and get a little added exercise, help you lose weight, burn calories and stay off the sofa aren’t strenuous at all.

Try adding twenty or more steps to your gait when you do work around the house. Take the long way around to the other room instead of a direct path. You could gain more steps by vacuuming a room twice and follow up by dusting moving from corner to corner crossing the room instead of in an arc around the room.

There is a saying, “the more you move, the more calories you burn”! During the course of an hour of movement while doing ordinary things see just how many calories you can burn off.

Burning calories from tasks in an hour!

Sedentary activities:

  • Playing video games – 76
  • Sitting at the computer – 76
  • Watching TV or movies – 76

Minimal activities:

  • Bowling – 200
  • Cooking – 157
  • Dancing – 326
  • Gardening – 345
  • Grocery shopping – 259
  • Hula hooping – 600
  • Jumping rope – 680
  • Laundry – 153
  • Miniature golf – 200
  • Painting – 200
  • Playing badminton – 200
  • Playing charades – 200
  • Playing darts – 200
  • Singing – 270
  • Sweeping – 180
  • Vacuuming – 180
  • Walking the dog – 316
  • Washing dishes – 163
  • Washing the car – 326

Heavy activities:

  • Aerobics – 431
  • Bike riding – 470
  • Jogging – 720
  • Moving furniture – 400
  • Racquetball – 470
  • Rollerblading – 508
  • Swimming – 643
  • Walking fast – 422
  • Weight lifting – 499

Take that extra step or two for a great start towards a healthier lifestyle while burning some of those unwanted calories!

Add more movements into your day if you park further away from the door when shopping; play with the kids more often or take a walk around the parking lot at work after eating lunch.

If you have some exercise equipment at home such as a treadmill, stationary bike, stair-climber, weights, resistance bands, exercise ball or a sit-up chair or even a bench, place them in the living room. Chances are you will work out and use the equipment more often there while watching television than being alone in a room on the other side of the house, in the garage or down in the basement.

Add a few steps to your day, burn more calories and be successful adding some extra physical activity into your life!


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