Lung disease risk may be lowered with a fiber rich diet

Lung disease risk may be lowered with a fiber rich diet
Lung disease risk may be lowered with a fiber rich diet

In an era of heightened pollution worldwide coupled with many people continuing to smoke in spite of evidence this is harmful for your health lung disease is a major health problem. MDIndia reported, a diet which is rich in fiber may lower the risk of lung disease. It has already been observed that fiber rich diets may reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Lead author Corrine Hanson PhD, RD, who is an associate professor of medical nutrition at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, says that clearly lung disease is a significant public health problem. It is therefore important to identify risk factors which are modifiable for prevention. Aside from smoking there are few preventative strategies which have been identified. A practical and effective way for people to have an impact on their risk of lung disease may be to consume more fiber.

Previous research may help to explain the beneficial effects of fiber on lung disease which the researchers have observed. It has been shown in other studies that fiber lowers inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been noted to underlie many lung diseases. It has also been found in other studies that fiber alters the composition of the gut microbiome in a manner which may in turn decrease infections and release natural chemicals into the body which protect the lungs.

The American Thoracic Society reported via Newswise researchers are convinced a diet which is rich in fiber may decrease the risk of lung disease. An independent association has been found between fiber and lung function. It appears that someday public health campaigns may target diet and fiber as being safe and inexpensive ways of helping to prevent lung disease. It seems that consuming more fiber certainly may be beneficial for your health.


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