Cats make wonderful pets, they are easy to care for and you can leave them alone for a few days without worrying about them. They bring so much delight and improve the mental health of many elderly or sick individuals. They are a great pet for the lonely. However, the biggest concern for most people is changing the cat litter box. A dirty litter box can stink up an entire house and breathing in the urine can make you feel sick. Living with a dirty litter box in the house can eventually lead to lung problems.
One good thing about cats is that you don’t have to teach them to use the litter box, they instinctively will go right to it. Some kittens however, need a bit of training. Start by putting the litter in the box and wait for your kitten to go near it and sniff it. Then gently put him in the box. Pet him and give him a treat when he uses the box. Remember never scold you kitten for using the floor and then throw him in the litter box because you are upset; that will only serve to keep him away from the litter. Your cat will think that the litter box is a punishment. Don’t scold him for anything when he is near the litter box because that will also condition him to feel that the litterbox is a punishment.
Some cats have a preference for where their litter box is placed, for example, they might want privacy which they would not get in a high traffic room. They may prefer a corner out of the way but if they have to pass the dog to get to it they may prefer not to use it. You should always keep the box clean because cats will not go into their box if it is too dirty. Also you should have a litter box for every cat that you have.
If your cat urinates outside of the box it could be because the litter box is too dirty or there isn’t enough boxes. Some cats do not like to go into a box that has been used by another cat. Another possibility is that your cat may be sick. It is best to visit the vet if you can just in case your cat is ill and you are aware of it .
Some kittens may nibble on the cat litter but contact your vet if the kitten does that. It might mean that your companion is anemic and missing certain nutrients in his food. Other signs of anemia include: weight loss, lack of appetite, weakness, and pale mucous membranes.
If your cat does not like his litter box, it may be because he prefers an open box so that he can move around and see what is happening around him. Some cats are afraid of litter boxes which are covered. A covered litter box will will keep down the smell but it is better to keep your cat happy and wanting to use his litter box then to urinate or defecate somewhere else.
If you use litter that clumps you still have to empty and clean the litter box, because if you don’t eventually the box will smell of strong urine and you cats will not want to use it. Waste material is left from one scooping to another and it will smell and begin to affect your health. According to the research, cats prefer grained clay cat litter which is about 2 inches deep.
Although scented cat litter is great for keeping the smell down, according to research, cats prefer unscented cat litter. They are not crazy over air fresheners and deodorizers near their box either. If you want to keep the smell down, clean the litter box daily or every second day.
Some cats are sensitive to cat litter. I have one cat who is. She will get runny eyes when she is allergic to a certain brand. Other symptoms which show that you cat may be allergic to the dust particles in the litter box or the perfumes are: sneezing and frequent scratching.
Keep your family healthy by following these tips for litter box use.