How to handle stress caused by real-life issues

How to handle stress caused by real-life issues
How to handle stress caused by real-life issues

Dr. Steven Haymon is an expert in helping people across the country cope with the stresses of real-life issues as a practicing psychotherapist, consultant and minister for over 42 years.

During a recent, Partners in Health and Biz radio show, Haymon explained that although sharing secrets often bring about intimacy, it is imperative that we share those secrets with the right person.

“If you talk about something with the wrong person, that person can put it in the New York Times and spread it all around, and that would be really, really embarrassing,” he elaborated.

According to Haymon, relationships are supposed to be transparent, because we are supposed to edify one another.

“We’ve often shared our heart with someone and they use it at the most inopportune time to make us feel lousy,” he said.

In addition, Haymon spoke of the Bible story of Sampson who shared his secrets with Deliah, and how this intimate act of sharing secrets was not only stressful, but tragic.

“It ended up costing him his life because he shared his secrets with the wrong person,” Haymon cautioned.

In general, real-life issues can be debilitating and can affect people holistically, causing physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional illnesses.

“One of the biggest lies, I hear is: ‘I am retired, therefore I don’t experience stress,’ ” he reflected.

Retirement is one of the biggest transitioning occurrences that happen when people transition from doing something for 25, 30, 40 years, then suddenly, they have nothing to do.

According to Haymon, stress is the perception of things as opposed to what it really is.


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