Anti-aging face lift using LED microcurrent to zap and sculpt non-invasively

Anti-aging face lift using LED microcurrent to zap and sculpt non-invasively
Anti-aging face lift using LED microcurrent to zap and sculpt non-invasively

Face Lift Trends. It tightens, tones, improves pigmentation and vibrancy, lifts and reduces lines and wrinkles, in the face and neck. The non-invasive face lift procedure is done by a paramedical artist, Evie Delaney “Voted Best Permanent Makeup Artist 2011”, by first applying sculpting lotion, and using an electromagnetic waves machine via a small wand, that causes you to excrete the fat, without the old idea of liposuction and get rid of the fat that is bothering you in sculpting your face. It looks natural; no one will be able to tell you are having “work done.” There is no pain, no scarring, no uncomfortable procedures to get used to.

Hormonal changes, bad dietary habits

You can see by the picture, her makeup was left the same as much as possible) the aging fat deposits and saggy eyes, are sculpted out. He eyes are brighter, her chin and jawline are more defined now. Her skin is no longer looking fragile and “aged” by the toxic fatty deposits that change the skin tone appearance and in pockets under the skin don’t allow nutrients to support the skin like it does in your youth.

Ultrasonic radio frequency

The procedure is non-toxic, no rash, over 72-hours after treatment. Its painless and there is no downtime or recovery time before you can be seen in public again. The procedure can be done by for all types, all ethnic backgrounds of skin and all ages.

Consultation and then a program is developed for you based on your needs and your skin

Atlanta & Company viewers, first 25 callers, get a mini sculpting for $49, its $125 value and four treatments. If you are opting not to have traditional invasive cosmetic surgery this is the one thing that is brining terrific results you can see.

Located in Alpharetta, 5755 North Point Parkway Suite #40 Atlanta, Georgia 30022.


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