Star Davina McCall to fight menopause ‘taboo’ in new Channel 4 show

Star Davina McCall to fight menopause 'taboo' in new Channel 4 show
Star Davina McCall to fight menopause 'taboo' in new Channel 4 show

The presenter says the one-off programme is for everyone: partners, fathers, sons and brothers – not just menopausal women.

Davina McCall, 53, has made the film, titled Davina McCall: Sex, Myths And The Menopause, with Channel 4.

She will meet scientists and women who have gone through the menopause in the programme, as well as discussing her own experience.

McCall said: “I don’t think I’ve ever worked on a project that has affected me so deeply.

“I get home after filming and sometimes I just sit down and cry… from deep frustration and anger at how we are failing women.

“This film isn’t just for menopausal women, it’s for their partners, their fathers, their brothers, and their sons.

“We’re all in this together. I used to think that menopause was an age thing and now I realise it’s a woman thing.

“For far too long, there’s been a shroud of embarrassment, shame and fear around this topic, and this is where it stops.”

The programme will be broadcast in the spring.

Producer Kate Muir said: “We’ve discovered making this film how much better-informed women – and their doctors – could be about hormones and the menopause.

“Women’s silence around the menopause needs to become a cacophony, and one day a symphony.”


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