Royal news: Princess Diana’s ex-bodyguard says Royal family AT RISK due to cost-cutting | Royal | News (Details)



Since 2011 there has been a reduction of 20 percent in the amount spent on policing by the Home Office and last year Scotland Yard drastically reorganised the way the Royal Family is protected.

Now, officers are constantly changing; sometimes they get assigned to Government ministers and sometimes to Royal family members.

Ken Wharf, Princess Diana’s former bodyguard, said: “The structure of protection has changed.

“Money has changed that.

“Protection is not a cheap industry.

“But what price do you put on protection?”

In particular, Mr Wharfe noted the efficiency of security has changed due to the department’s restructuring, which caused a lack of interpersonal relationship between the protector and the protected.

He explained: “The success of protection depends on the efficiency of the team, and from my experience, the relationship that you have with the person you’re protecting.

“It isn’t like that anymore.

“I’m not suggesting it’s dangerous but I don’t think there is that interpersonal relationship that there was before.”

Mr Wharfe, who guarded Princess Diana and her sons from 1986 to the end of 1993, added: “From what I can see, I don’t think there is that chemistry and personal relationship that there should be.

“The biggest point of any serious professional protection is in a relationship and the advice you have with the person you’re protecting because if that’s not there, you might as well give up.”

Last year, Her Majesty The Queen also reportedly expressed concerns regarding Scotland Yard’s drastic reorganisation of security departments.

A senior source said: “Her Majesty is not the only one who has expressed concerns.

“A number of senior officers are not happy either.

“Personal protection is all about building a relationship with the principal.

“How on earth is that supposed to happen if the officers are rotated every five minutes with new faces?”



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