YouTube Rewind 2018 is now the site’s most disliked video ever,...
This year’s YouTube Rewind just surpassed a Justin Bieber song to become the most-disliked video ever made on the platform. With over 10 million dislikes, the like-to-dislike ratio...
Researchers Experiment Storing Data With ‘DNA Fountain’
In a new study in Science, a pair of researchers at Columbia University and the New York Genome Center (NYGC) show that an algorithm designed for streaming video...
Lie Detector Will Be Used At EU Border Checkpoints, Report
A number of border control checkpoints in the European Union are about to get increasingly—and unsettlingly—futuristic.
In Hungary, Latvia, and Greece, travelers will be given an automated lie-detection test—by...
How to audit your website content
There comes a time after populating your website with plenty of information and quality content to conduct an audit of it. The how often or frequency of the...
What is Ransomware?
Imagine that you want to pull up a certain file on your computer. You click on the file and suddenly a notice flashes on your screen saying your...
Instagram Introduces New Tech To Detect Bullying In Photos, Report
Instagram has announced that it is stepping up its anti-bullying efforts by using AI to detect signs of bullying in photos and captions …
Instagram last year began using...
Protect your Data during Holiday Travel
You’re dreaming of a white Christmas, and hackers are dreaming of a green Christmas: your cash in their pockets. And hackers are everywhere, and are a particular threat...
Russian Robot turns out to be man in suit
Russian state TV apparently became confused yesterday while airing footage of a technology forum aimed at kids. A TV reporter proclaimed that Boris the robot, seen above, “has...
Research reveals uncertainty in how much carbon the ocean absorbs over...
The ocean’s “biological pump” describes the many marine processes that work to take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and transport it deep into the ocean, where it...
Researchers make filters from tree branches to purify drinking water
The interiors of nonflowering trees such as pine and ginkgo contain sapwood lined with straw-like conduits known as xylem, which draw water up through a tree’s trunk and...