Top secret for self development to understand the interbeing

Top secret for self development to understand the interbeing
Top secret for self development to understand the interbeing

When you look deeply into the truth of suffering, you can see how this suffering came to be. When you look into the truth of suffering, you see how to end that suffering and touch well-being. When you see into the truth of suffering, we can see the efficacy of the path.

The more you are separated from the good energy the more you don’t even know what you are missing

The fact that suffering can be transformed, that people are transforming their suffering is to know what you have ingested is what has brought about what has come to be. If you are a wholesome person it is because the seed of wholesomeness has been watered in you, but if your seed of betrayal has been watered, you betray those you love and you betray even yourself.

The practice of mindfulness is to help you to identify all of the seeds that are stored in your consciousness

One person may walk by us and the sight of them makes dislike them and to not want them near us. Someone else can walk by us and we like them right away. Something in each of them touches that seed in us. The seed that makes you like the one person may have been that the person resembled your mother in some way, who nurtured you and so you appreciate her. The one who we want away from and dislike may resemble the father and evokes that memory. So the idea is to be aware of these seeds that reside in us.

Buddha advises not to be deceived by what you perceive

Perception means to come into existence of the perceiver and the perceived. When we perceive the moon, the moon is us. When we smile to our friend, our friend is also us, the flower we are looking at is our consciousness. The idea that our consciousness is outside of the flower needs to be removed. It is impossible to have subject without an object. It is impossible to remove one and retain the other.

So when you praise, blame or condemn, you suffer because you are perceiving and you become the perceived, and you need to know the source. Your happiness depends on your degree of right perception. Touching reality deeply-knowing what is going on inside and outside of the perception and seeing things as they are. A clear vision is the way to liberate from the sufferings caused by wrong perceptions.


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