Natural sore throat remedy: Relieve symptoms with a sweet and sour elixir

Natural sore throat remedy: Relieve symptoms with a sweet and sour elixir
Natural sore throat remedy: Relieve symptoms with a sweet and sour elixir

The cold winds blow, snow is falling, the temperatures drop and germs seem to spread like wildfire during the winter months. In some areas chilly to freezing days may begin in November and last until late in the month of May. That is a long time to try and prevent colds, the flu, other viruses and the inevitable sore throat that is bound to happen at one time or another.

People are constantly going in and out of houses, cars and office buildings where the temperature changes in large degrees. Going from hot, warm to cold and chilly, plus breathing in stuffy or freezing air can cause you to become sick or wind up with a terrible sore throat. Being surrounded by others who are ill and don’t take care to prevent the spread of germs doesn’t help a healthy body.

If you feel a sore throat coming on take steps to nip it right away. Don’t wait until it becomes infected, raw, scratching making it hard to swallow liquids and foods. There is a simple little recipe, remedy or elixir if you prefer that can be made in your kitchen in no time at all to help relieve or ease that sore throat before it becomes a bother.

All you need is a half of a lemon and one teaspoon of honey. Place the lemon half onto a skewer and hold it over a gas or electric burner set on a medium heat. Once the lemon begins to warm up turn the heat up higher and roast it over the flame or coils until it turns a golden brown color. Allow the lemon half to cool slightly. Then squeeze the juice into a small glass. Add one teaspoon of honey to the lemon juice and stir until well mixed. Take a level teaspoon full of the mixture and swallow it slowly.

The combination of the lemon and the honey will ease that sore throat to help heal the soreness, stop the cough and open up your sinus cavities to make breathing and swallowing a little easier. Do thing three times a day for a day or two and the symptoms should vanish. If the sore throat doesn’t feel better it could be something more than irritated throat membranes. If so, seek medical attention for further treatment.


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