CDC adds 6 new possible coronavirus symptoms (Report)

CDC adds 6 new possible coronavirus symptoms, Report
CDC adds 6 new possible coronavirus symptoms, Report

When the coronavirus outbreak began, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed cough, shortness of breath and fever as possible symptoms for the newly-discovered virus. Now, the organization is adding six new possible symptoms to its list, including headache, chills and loss of taste or smell.

These possible symptoms, added Sunday, are:

• Chills

• Repeated shaking with chills

• Muscle pain

• Headache

• Sore throat

• New loss of taste or smell

According to Fox News, more than one quarter of 619 coronavirus patients surveyed by the American Academy of Otolaryngology noticed the loss of taste or smell as their first symptoms.

Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert, one of the first North American athletes to be diagnosed with the virus, told the Miami Herald in March he had been unable “to smell anything for the last four days,” following his initial diagnosis.

Meanwhile, CNN reporter Chris Cuomo detailed experiencing chills so severe he chipped a tooth shivering.

Other less common COVID-19 symptoms include diarrhea, skin rash, runny nose, red eyes and fatigue, The Sacramento Bee reported.

The CDC estimates most patients begin exhibiting symptoms within two to 14 days after exposure to the novel coronavirus and still recommends any individual having “trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in their chest, new confusion or inability to arouse or have bluish lips or face” should seek immediate medical attention, the Bee reported.


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