Like Foals? Rising band Blushes write indie-pop bangers just as good (Report)



As we launch NME Emerging – a platform where unsigned acts can build up and manage a profile page for their music, right here on NME – we’ll be shining a light on of the new profiles each week that stood out against the rest. If you sign up, you could end up right here on, just like this week’s pick, Blushes. Here’s what you need to know about them.

From: Aylesbury

Sound Like: If Foals were to write a stone-cold pop banger with nearly every song – Blushes material might be the closest we’ll ever get to it.

For Fans Of: Foals, The Vaccines, Mark Ronson, psychedelic nights in, mad nights out

Why you’re going to love them: As a new band, it’s important to have an identity. A reliable, go-to sound that fans can become obsessed and rely on receiving with each and every release. Though we’ve only heard about 7 completed songs from Blushes thus far, it feels like they’ve got already got two distinct identities – and they’re both equally great.

To the Bone

To the Bone, a song by Blushes on Spotify

Firstly, they’re adept at writing whopping indie smashers. Take ‘To The Bone’, which opens with spiky guitars and results in a funky, soul-infused chorus. ‘Hypnotise’ is more of the same, but veers down the headbanging rock path.

Then there’s this other half – the one that writes woozy psychedelic epics. ‘Blame It On The Weather’ is a Tame Impala-esque mind-melter and ‘Voices’ offers a stuttering, headbanging freak-out.

Blame It on the Weather

Blame It on the Weather, a song by Blushes on Spotify

Both are thrilling, and Blushes are adept at both of them. If they continue to juggle these complementary elements, they’re onto a winner.

Best Track: ‘To The Bone’ – A dancefloor triumph in the making, packing a huge chorus and twisting instrumentals.




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