5 things to know if you’re thinking of creating your own app (Report)



Louise Broni-Mensah, CEO and founder of Shoobs, tell us how she built her own nightlife app.

In partnership with University of Salford

As part of our #LifeHacks campaign for young creatives, NME and University of Salford hosted a special Facebook and Twitter live panel on Friday (October 13) featuring three people who are pursuing new and exciting tech careers.

One member of the panel was Louise Broni-Mensah, the CEO and founder of nightlife app Shoobs. Here are five things Louise told us on the day.

1. Stay curious

“It’s important not to grow out of asking why, why, why. You should constantly be looking at the world and seeing potential problems – things that bug you so much that you want to solve them. That’s where your big idea could come from.”

2. Make sure your app relates to you.

“It needs to be something you’re passionate about and something that gets up in the morning. I’ve always had a passion for music and events, and one day I realised there was a gap in the market for an app that allows urban artists to promote their events. That’s where Shoobs came from.”

3. Don’t stand still.

“Yes, it’s important to be determined. Obviously I want to be successful, but I’m flexible in terms of how that will actually pan out in the next few years. Technology is moving at such a fast pace and we want to stay on top of that. Maybe we’ll incorporate more emojis into the app? There’s a variety of things we can do in the future. Every single member of my team is willing to be flexible and adapt along the way, too.”

4. Challenge the status quo.

“If you’re going to survive in the app industry, given how many apps there now are, you’ve got to come with something different. The young people I want to work with have strong critical thinking, strong analytical skills, and strong problem-solving skills. They challenge conventional wisdom.”





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