UK: Melania Trump hosts Queen Letizia for tea as Donald Trump meets Spanish King | Royal | News



The royal couple were in the US as part of a five-day visit to mark the 300th anniversary of the founding of New Orleans and San Antonio, which have Spanish heritage.

But King Felipe was expected to raise his nation’s and the EU’s concerns over Mr Trump’s crippling steel and aluminium tariffs, which could see 34.7 percent hikes on Spanish black olives.

King Felipe described his first meeting with the president as a “great end to a perfect visit”.

While the US president Mr Trump and and the king had a 30-minute bilateral meeting, Melania Trump hosted Queen Letizia for tea in the red room.

Mr Trump said it was a “great honour” to have the Spanish royals in the oval office.

He said: “We were in Spain not so long ago and we love it.

“It’s a beautiful country. We were in Spain not so long ago and we love it.

“Our relationship has been outstanding over the years.”

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia visited New Orleans, San Antonia, Texas and Louisiana before they got to Washington DC.

It is the King Felipe VI’s meeting with Mr Trump, but it is his sixth visit to the White House.

Since he became King in 2015, it is his second visit, with the first back in September 2015.

The king, who graduated from Georgetown University, in the US, said: “This is a great end to a perfect trip.

“We appreciate very much our common history, our heritage.”

The royal couple will now head to Capitol Hill to meet Senator Mitch McConnell, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Paul Ryan.



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