Frank Ocean defeats father in “super sad” libel case (Report)

Ocean's father Calvin Cooksey had sued the singer for defamation and $14.5 million Frank Ocean has won the libel case brought forward against him by his father. Ocean’s estranged...

Iggy Pop, shamanic ceremonies and cuddle pits – California’s Desert Daze...

A festival isn’t just made great by the bands that play it but by the people that go and place it happens: Desert Daze scores big on...

Chuck Berry: John Lennon, Public Enemy, Anthony Kiedis and more on...

24 images Some of the world's most legendary modern musicians explain why we really have Chuck Berry to thank for 'Rock And Roll Music' Chuck Berry – the...

Is Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker working with rapper Travis Scott? (Report)

Tame Impala frontman Kevin Parker has been pictured in the studio with rapper Travis Scott, leading to speculation that the pair could be set to collaborate on...