Working through grief: Thais follow king's cremation on job (Report)



The funeral of King Bhumibol Adulyadej is the culmination of a year of mourning for a monarch who became a father figure for many Thais during his 70-year reign. The elaborate ceremonies spread over five days are a once-in-a-lifetime event for Thais. The government declared a national holiday Thursday and businesses across the kingdom have shuttered. Even the always-open convenience store chain 7-Eleven closed so its workers could join the throngs of black-clad mourners paying their respects at shrines across the capital and beyond. But for some, Thursday, while remarkable, was also another workday.



Sanhagod Sasomkongtham, 52, was listening to the proceedings on the radio in his taxi. He said he planned to go in the evening to offer sandalwood flowers at one of the mourning sites.

“I really want to go; it’s an important event,” he said. “I’ve never gone to the palace to pay my respects, but I’ve passed it many times. I feel that at least I have been able to be of service to His Majesty by sending people off to pay their respects. At least I have been able to serve His Majesty once in my life.”




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