Wizard of Oz set for Exeter Corn Exchange, Report

Wizard of Oz set for Exeter Corn Exchange, Report
Wizard of Oz set for Exeter Corn Exchange, Report

The spirit of Christmas can never be defeated, and just like Santa, panto will always find a way to make an appearance!

That is certainly the case at Exeter Corn Exchange, where preparations are being made for this year’s pantomime, The Wizard of Oz!

In true theatre tradition the show must go on and with the Coronavirus pandemic, organisers have been working hard to ensure this year’s production allows safe family fun, with extra precautions put in place.

These include socially distanced seating, extra cleaning and a shorter running time without an interval.

Cllr Amal Ghusain, Lead Councillor for Communities and Culture, said: “We are delighted to be planning for the return of the Corn Exchange pantomime. It has obviously been a difficult year for everyone in the city and elsewhere so some light relief is very much welcomed. What better way to provide this than by that most festive of traditions the pantomime.

“We know that Kickline will present a top quality production again and the Corn Exchange is the ideal venue to ensure that the audience is safely socially distanced. The Wizard of Oz is a Christmas classic so to see it presented as a pantomime is very exciting and it will provide a much needed injection of fun into our lives this Christmas.”

Last year Snow White was the company’s most popular show ever, earning glowing reviews and even being nominated for an Exeter Living Award!

Director Ian Berry explains, “In recent years, some older panto titles like ‘Robinson Crusoe’ have fallen out of popularity. Nobody wants to see ‘Cinderella’ every single year, so we are delighted that ‘The Wizard of Oz’ is becoming a new panto favourite! Let’s face it, when you think of Oz, you think of classic Christmas TV, so it’s the perfect story to be given that special panto make-over!”

Expect plenty of madcap singing, cheering, hissing and booing, magical sets, stunning costumes and Exeter’s favourite dame, Daniel Page, will once more take to the air in a hilarious flying sequence!

All in all, audiences look set to be able to enjoy a treasured Christmas tradition with confidence! Families can expect to take home a heap of great festive memories!


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