Watch Rose McGowan deliver a powerful speech on sexual assault in Hollywood (Report)



The comments are the first to be made publicly by the actor since she accused producer Harvey Weinstein of rape earlier this month

Rose McGowan has delivered a powerful speech on sexual assault in Hollywood in her first public appearance since accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape earlier this month.

McGowan was one of the first prominent names to speak out against Weinstein, who is currently facing mounting accusations of rape, sexual harassment and other forms of misconduct by numerous women – allegations he “unequivocally denies”.

Delivering the opening remarks at the Women’s Convention in Detroit earlier today (October 27), McGowan thanked her supporters “for giving me wings during this very difficult time”.

“The triggering has been insane – the monster’s face has been everywhere, my nightmare,” she said. “I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut-shamed, I have been harassed, I have been maligned, and you know what? I am just like you. What happened to me behind the scenes happens to all of us in this society. It cannot stand and will not stand.”


Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan

“Hollywood may seem like it’s an isolated thing, but it is not,” McGowan said. “It is the messaging system for your mind. It is the mirror that you’re given to look into… But it’s all told through 96% males in the Directors’ Guild of America. That statistic has not changed since 1946, so we are given one view.

“And I know the men behind that view. And they should not be in your mind and they should not be in mind. It’s time to clean house.

“For all us who have been looked down on, for all of us who have been grabbed by the motherfucking pussy – no more. Name it, shame it and call it out. Join me,” she continued, before ending her speech with this message:

“Pussies grab back. Women grab back. We speak! We yell. We march. We are here. We will not go…




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