Watch Pussy Riot protest at Trump Towers (Report)



The group were protesting the imprisonment of two activists from the Ukraine.

Pussy Riot have released footage of themselves protesting at Trump Towers in New York.

The feminist punk group were protesting the imprisonment of Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and Ukrainian activist Olexandr Kolchenko.

The video shows the group’s Maria Alyokhina and unidentified members wearing their trademark banners and unfurling leaflets and a banner that read ‘Free Sentsov’, from a mezzanine floor.

“We remember when we were imprisoned, we received news about hundreds of activists around the world putting on balaclavas and going to the streets to support us,” part of the video’s caption reads, explaining their actions.

“That was the moment we understood we are not alone. But we should not forget that even though we’ve come to the other side of the fence, there are still hundreds of political prisoners behind bars waiting for your support. We received a lot of letters, smiles, and noise from you.”




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