UFO mystery was ‘prank played on US air force by SAS’, Report

UFO mystery was 'prank played on US air force by SAS', Report
UFO mystery was 'prank played on US air force by SAS', Report

A GROUP of SAS pranksters were behind Britain’s biggest UFO mystery, an amateur sleuth has claimed.

Panicked American marines reported the close encounter to top brass after spotting unexplained lights hovering in Rendlesham Forest in 1980.

But a British X-Files expert told the Daily Express the incident was an SAS practical joke after the Americans took one of theirs squads hostage.

The group were caught testing the security of RAF Woodbridge – where the Marines were stationed – and were subjected to a brutal interrogation.

They claimed they were beaten up by their captors – who dubbed them “unidentified aliens”.

They were released 18 hours later – but were reportedly seething at the slur.

Alien fanatic Dr David Clarke said: “After their release, the troopers made no complaint at their rough treatment but were determined to get their own back on the USAF.

“In particular, their repeated characterisation as ‘aliens’ sowed the seeds of a plan.

“Lights and coloured fl ares were rigged in the woods and black helium balloons were coupled to remote-controlled kites.”

An alleged SAS source wrote to Dr Clarke explaining the prank.

It said: “A great deal of nocturnal Christmas fun was had at the expense of the USAF – and the matter should have ended there.

“Unfortunately, a senior US officer (Lt Col Halt) led the US contingent out into the forest on the second night and took along his tape recorder.

“The USAF was ‘reassured’ at a senior level and no UK investigation was undertaken for obvious reasons.”


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