By The Canadian Press
Tues., June 19, 2018
MONTREAL—Police have arrested a 34-year-old man in connection with an incident in May when members of a nationalist, far-right group stormed the Montreal newsroom of Vice Quebec.
Montreal police spokeswoman Veronique Dubuc said today the suspect is facing charges of breaking and entering, mischief, criminal harassment and intimidation.

The man was arrested in Quebec City Monday at the behest of the Montreal police and released on a promise to appear in court at a later date.
About six members of anti-immigration group Atalante gained entry to Vice’s newsroom in May in an apparent effort to intimidate journalists.
Vice Quebec reported after the incident that most of the protesters wore masks, dumped clown noses on the floor and threw leaflets around the newsroom.
The group’s actions drew condemnation by Quebec’s federation of journalists and Premier Philippe Couillard, who both denounced it as a form of intimidation.