SNL “Tonight” Responds to Donald Trump’s Acquittal (Video)

SNL "Tonight" Responds to Donald Trump’s Acquittal (Video)
SNL "Tonight" Responds to Donald Trump’s Acquittal (Video)

“Saturday Night Live” had fun with the measured approval expressed by some supporters of former President Donald Trump following his impeachment acquittal.

The show imagined Fox News’ Tucker Carlson interviewing Republican leaders about the historic impeachment trial, which saw the most bipartisan support for impeachment conviction in history.

“There’s a lot to cover tonight,” said Carlson, played by Alex Moffat. So he decided to start his show with “fear-mongering non sequiturs.”

“Is AOC hiding in your house right now?” he said. “Wouldn’t put it past her.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (Kate McKinnon) was introduced for his assessment of the U.S. Senate trial of Trump for allegedly inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

“It’s a great day for 30 percent of Americans,” he said, “and tonight we party.”

The senator encouraged his party to focus on more important business.


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