Riley Young-Hudson, 12, died after being knocked off his bike by car

Riley Young-Hudson, 12, died after being knocked off his bike by car
Riley Young-Hudson, 12, died after being knocked off his bike by car

A 12-year-old schoolboy who died after an accident while riding his bike had an “endearing personality”, his school says.

Riley Young-Hudson had cycled into the path of a blue Audi, which was unable to stop in time, in Stockton-on-Tees.

He was rushed to Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle but died three days later on April 1, Teesside Coroner’s Court heard.

The youngster, who appeared in Benefits Street five years ago with gran Julie Young, “either failed to see the approaching Audi or misjudged its close proximity”, it was said.

An accident report said no action was taken against the male driver, with police “satisfied he was not blameworthy for the collision”.

The tragedy is the second to hit the family after Julie’s son Reagan passed away in 2015 while the hit show was being filmed.

Riley’s devastated mum Louise Jenkins has now paid tribute to the youngster, who was “always on his phone” or playing computer games like Roblox.


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