Queen jokes in Christmas Speech: “It helps to keep a grandmother well occupied.”

Queen jokes in Christmas Speech: "It helps to keep a grandmother well occupied."
Queen jokes in Christmas Speech: "It helps to keep a grandmother well occupied."

The Queen quipped that her growing family was keeping her busy as she referred to life as a grandmother in her Christmas message.

She said family events like weddings and births have kept her “well occupied” in 2018.

Bringing a touch of humour to her televised address, the Queen said: “Closer to home, it’s been a busy year for my family, with two weddings and two babies and another child expected soon.

“It helps to keep a grandmother well occupied.”

She also described the importance of having loved ones around her: “Through the many changes I have seen over the years, faith, family and friendship have been not only a constant for me but a source of personal comfort and reassurance.”

And she offered words of comfort for those missing relatives or friends: “At Christmas, we become keenly aware of loved ones who have died, whatever the circumstances.

“But, of course, we would not grieve if we did not love.”

The Queen has had a memorable 2018 with two grandchildren, the Duke of Cambridge and Zara Tindall, welcoming new additions to their families.

As well as that, another grandson, Prince Harry, married Meghan Markle and they announced soon afterwards they were expecting their first child, due in the spring.

Granddaughter Princess Eugenie wed long-term boyfriend Jack Brooksbank.

However, she also highlighted some darker points.

She spoke of how religious faith which can lead people to do good in the service of others can “fall victim to tribalism”.

Sitting at a desk, with a Christmas tree in the background, she said: “Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom. I’d like to think so.

“Perhaps part of that wisdom is to recognise some of life’s baffling paradoxes, such as the way human beings have a huge propensity for good, and yet a capacity for evil.

“Even the power of faith, which frequently inspires great generosity and self-sacrifice, can fall victim to tribalism.”

As well as this she thanked members of the armed forces for their efforts.

The Queen also remembered her father, George VI.

She reflected on his service with the Royal Navy during the First World War and the role he played in the early years of the Commonwealth.

Aged 92, the Queen’s reign as monarch has lasted 66 years and she has been married to the Duke of Edinburgh for more than seven decades.

The Queen concluded her broadcast by highlighting Jesus’s message: “I believe his message of peace on earth and goodwill to all is never out of date.

“It can be heeded by everyone; it’s needed as much as ever. A very happy Christmas to you all.”

The broadcast concluded as it had begun, with singing from the choir of King’s College, Cambridge, famous for its Nine Lessons and Carols.

They opened the festive broadcast by singing the National Anthem and ended with the carol Once In Royal David’s City.


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