Nigel Farage to lead 260-mile march in ‘Brexit betrayal’ protest, Report

Nigel Farage to lead 260-mile march in 'Brexit betrayal' protest, Report
Nigel Farage to lead 260-mile march in 'Brexit betrayal' protest, Report

Leave supporters who want to join Nigel Farage’s march against Theresa May’s Brexit approach are being charged £50.

“Core marchers” – those who walk for two or more days – will have to make the one-off payment, which covers accommodation, dinner and breakfast.

Other supporters can join the event for free as cheerleaders but would have to fund their own accommodation if away from home overnight.

The £50 also pays for an official kit, including a coat, beanie hat, gloves, T-shirt and water bottle.

Former Ukip leader Mr Farage will lead the activists marching from Sunderland to London from 16 to 29 March.

The “Brexit Betrayal” event, organised by the Leave Means Leave group, will culminate in a rally in Parliament Square on the day Britain is due to leave the EU.

Leave Means Leave has adopted the slogan “Brexit Betrayal” for the event – the slogan that Tommy Robinson and Ukip used in December for a Brexit rally that drew crowds of thousands.

Mr Robinson, the English Defence League founder, hinted then that he could run as a Ukip MP after he became an adviser to party leader Gerard Batten, a move that prompted Mr Farage to quit the party in protest.

Marchers at the event will pass through Hartlepool, Wetherby, Pontefract, Doncaster, Leicester, Towcester and Aylesbury.

Organisers said it would highlight public opposition to the government’s handling of Brexit.

A post on the March To Leave website revealing details of the route said for a one-off £50 payment for one or more nights’ accommodation and food was “not a bad deal”.

It said some supporters were offering sponsorships for core marchers who could not afford to pay. An appeal for sponsorship reads: “Help us demonstrate the huge dissatisfaction with the way Brexit has been handled by the out-of-touch Westminster elite.”

Meanwhile, next Sunday, hundreds of dogs and their owners, together with MPs and celebrities, will hold what is billed as “the world’s biggest dog’s dinner” to call for Ms May to avoid a no-deal Brexit and offer a new vote.

The anti-Brexit Wooferendum group, which is organising the rally near Parliament, warns that leaving the EU will be “disastrous” for people and pets, leading to a shortage of skilled vets and vet nurses, rising costs for animal health and pet food products and the end of the EU pet passport scheme.


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