My Bloody Valentine drummer responds to new album reports (Report)



My Bloody Valentine drummer Colm Ó Cíosóig has responded to reports that the band will release a new album next year, confirming that the record is “in the making”.

A recent festival listing claimed that the shoegaze icons are back in the studio. The update was hidden inside a brief profile of frontman Kevin Shields, ahead of his appearance at Norður og Niður, the Icelandic festival that Sigur Ros are hosting from December 27-30. The listing, which appeared on the Norður og Niður website, stated that he is “working on material for a new My Bloody Valentine album to be released in 2018.”

Ó Cíosóig has now responded to the reports in an interview with Boston radio station WBUR, reportedly confirming the rumours. He is quoted as saying: “I’ve been working on that preceding this [Hope Sandoval And The Warm Inventions] tour, and I’m going to go back and work on that once the tour is done. It’s in the making.” The article also stated that the record would be released next spring.

A new album would be My Bloody Valentine’s first record since 2013 comeback record ‘m b v’, and their fourth studio album overall.

My Bloody Valentine’s Kevin Shields

Earlier this year, Ó Cíosóig revealed he doesn’t think gigs are loud enough anymore after the band were regularly cited as one of the loudest in the world.

Describing the sound at Dublin’s 3 Arena, he said: “I have been to two very expensive gigs there recently and have experienced annoyingly cheap and thin-sounding representations of what should have been all-engulfing wonderful realities.

“The 3Arena is an example of this new reality that is castrating culture and charging a fortune for it. The decibel- limiting on the PA system is very sad indeed. When upfront at a gig you are supposed to feel the drums and bass rattle your bones, and the music should fill your head to the extant…




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