MH370: Final minutes of doomed flight ‘revealed’ for FIRST time

MH370: Final minutes of doomed flight 'revealed' for FIRST time
MH370: Final minutes of doomed flight 'revealed' for FIRST time

Cameras from 60 Minutes are given access to the evidence room holding MH370 pieces that have washed up in the Indian Ocean.

A stunned presenter is seen gazing at a two-metre piece known as the flaperon.

It comes ahead of the fifth anniversary of the plane’s disappearance on Friday next week.

The Boeing 777-200 lost contact 38 minutes into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

It then turned left again before crashing into the Indian Ocean west of Australia after running out of fuel, according to investigators.

But why it veered off course, and why it hasn’t been found, makes it one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time.

Only three pieces of debris have been confirmed as being “definitely” from the doomed jet.

But last year, relatives of the victims presented new debris off Madagascar that investigators say is “most likely” from the plane.

They believe it merits a relaunch of the search.

Grace Subathirai Nathan, whose mum Anne Daisy was on the plane, said: “The fact that debris is still washing up now means that the investigation should still be live. It shouldn’t be closed.”

And her dad, V.R Nathan, added: “We want the government to continue searching for these debris and piece them together like a jigsaw puzzle so that we can get some clue as to what happened to the plane.”

The new show will also feature Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, meeting a victim’s relative for the first time.


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