McCain blocks Defense nominees to get Afghanistan war info (Report)



The chairman of the influential Senate Armed Services Committee said Tuesday he’ll hold up President Donald Trump’s nominees for key Defense Department posts until the administration delivers details about its new strategy for the war in Afghanistan.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said his committee needs the particulars in order to properly outfit the U.S. armed forces with training and equipment.

“If we don’t get the information we need, we can’t do that,” he told reporters.

McCain said the Trump administration acts as though Congress isn’t a co-equal branch of government, “and that they don’t have to respond to what the Constitution says.”

Trump in August outlined in broad strokes his plan for Afghanistan, declaring that American troops would “fight to win” by attacking enemies, “crushing” al-Qaida and preventing terrorist attacks against Americans. As part of the plan, the Pentagon is boosting troop numbers…




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