Man finds 30-year-old Apple computer in his attic, Report

Man finds 30-year-old Apple computer in his attic, Report
Man finds 30-year-old Apple computer in his attic, Report

A New York professor has people reminiscing their childhoods after he discovered a 30-year-old Apple lle computer that’s still in working order.

John Pfaff found the computer in his parents’ attic, dusted it off and to his surprise, it turned on!

Pfaff shared the discovery on Twitter.

He says he put in an old game disc and the computer loaded the game and even asked if he wanted to restore a saved game.

Pfaff found floppy disks with several different games of the time, including; “Millionware,” “Neuromancer” and “Olympic Decathlon.”

The Apple lle is the third model in the Apple II series of personal computers.

The model Pfaff found in his parents’ attic was released 36 years ago in January 1983. The model was then discontinued in November of 1993


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