Man admits fatally shooting daughter over lack of 'respect' (Report)



A suburban Cleveland man has pleaded guilty to fatally shooting his daughter while she slept, saying he believed she disrespected his rules by coming home late and not cleaning her room.

Jamal Mansour, of Rocky River, pleaded guilty Tuesday to involuntary manslaughter and felonious assault and has been sentenced to 22 years in prison. The 64-year-old dad earlier pleaded not guilty to charges including aggravated murder in 27-year-old Tahani Mansour’s death last year. reports Mansour says he believed his daughter didn’t respect his house rules. Prosecutors say Mansour told investigators he grabbed a gun, thinking she would “respect” that.

WJW reports defense attorney Angelo Lonardo said the shooting followed a fight over the daughter’s room being a mess.

Mansour cried and apologized, saying he wishes he were the one dead.




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