Liam Gallagher opens up about why Stone Roses meant so much to him while growing up (Report)



Liam Gallagher has spoken out about his love for The Stone Roses – and how they provided an escape while he was going through ‘family shit at home’ in his youth.

This comes as part of Gallagher being editor of the first edition of NME Gold – a 100-page selection of exclusive interviews and legendary features about his heroes, his esteemed contemporaries, and the artists who have influenced him to become the icon that he is today. Discussing one of his favourite bands The Stone Roses, Gallagher told us that they were an essential influence when he was growing up.

“I remember our kid having ‘Sally Cinnamon’, but it was ‘I Wanna Be Adored’ that first got me,” Liam told NME Gold. “I remember going to school, and my mate Damian, he had an elder brother who was well into them as well, and he was going ‘have you heard that band The Stone Roses? There’s this song called ‘I Wanna Be A Dog’.’

“”I Wanna Be A Dog’? What the fuck’s that about?’ I must have been about 15 or 16, and then when I finally heard the record properly, it had a real fucking summery feel to it, a real lightness to it. And I was going through all this family shit at home and all that, and I just needed a bit of uplifting, you know what I mean? It was like having a B12 shot or something.”

He continued: “I remember around that time, in 1989 or whatever, just sitting in the park, long hot summers, and even though it was shit at home, that music was like another dimension.

“Maybe it was the drugs, but I think it was the music as well. I remember seeing them at Blackpool, Spike Island, and it was just… it’s youth, innit – you look back and nothing will ever compare to it: you’re young, you’ve got no kids, if you’ve got a job, who gives a fuck? You’ve got no bills to pay, you’re going back home to your mam, she’s cooking you breakfast, fucking life…




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